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Set Goal to Success

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Goal setting skills

Why Setting Goals is Important


Goal setting is a skill that, if performed correctly, will help you remain committed and consistent on your path to success. Goal provides you with direction, structure, and courage as you progress towards the achievements and the life that you envision. But the key of setting goals is to find you core value to be an internal driven goal.  When you know true reason of  "Why I am doing this", "Why I have to set this goal? to gain what?", "What I truly want". Before even you start quit smoking, lose weight or if you want to change your job or buy a new house. You need to know be honest to yourself what is your true purpose of this goal. 

When you set and follow goals based on your insight- internal drive, you reduce your chances of being led by other people or situations, or giving up too easily.

When things go wrong, you accept responsibility and dedicate your full heart and soul to solving the problem and finding the best solution possible. Every failure becomes a new start to begin more intelligently, and every challenge becomes an opportunity to grow.

Insight is much more difficult to achieve - as it involves digging down into fundamental principles - but is also much more useful when applied. Then you can easily pursue them with all your energy and courage and you do not need external motivate anymore to push you. When you goal is coming from your true desires then you won't develop goals with a comparison mindset which can lead you to fear, doubt, apathy or limitations.  


One of the most valuable aspects of goal setting is when we realize that it is the process of pursuing the goal—not the final destination or the finish line—that is so rewarding and meaningful. Your inner strength, courage, and resilience develops through the process and the steps required for goal attainment. The achievement of a goal is not the point where you settle and stop dreaming. Reaching a goal is merely a signal that you are due to develop new and more ambitious ones. This is how you learn, grow, and actualize your full potential and beyond.


Intrinsic goals:

According to positive psychologist Tim Kasser and colleagues, intrinsic goals "are those that are inherently satisfying to pursue because they are likely to satisfy innate psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness, competence, and growth"; they depend on satisfying one's own basic psychological needs rather than relying upon the judgments or approval of others. Examples of these goals include self-acceptance, forming social connections, and physical fitness.

Extrinsic goals:

Goals that are focused on attaining rewards and/or praise from others--they are a means to an end, not inherently rewarding in and of themselves. Examples include financial wealth, fame, or popularity. People often pursue extrinsic goals under the assumption that these goals will bring them happiness, but evidence suggests otherwise. Researchers speculate that intrinsic goals lead to greater happiness because, in the pursuit of these goals, people have positive experiences along the way that support their happiness.

Where to start:

Write down three main goals that you want to change after pandamic. Make sure you set long term goal not  short term goal.


Part 2:

A concept developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi that refers to "the state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience itself is so enjoyable that people will do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it," as he writes in his 1990 book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience Opens in new window. According to Csikszentmihalyi, when people experience flow, their "concentration is so intense that there is no attention left over to think about anything irrelevant or to worry about problems. Self-consciousness disappears, and the sense of time becomes distorted."


More specifically, he has identified four factors that are essential to flow:

1) performing a task or activity where the degree of challenge is properly balanced with one's ability to complete it;

2) one's goal is clear;

3) there’s constant and immediate feedback about how close one is to achieving that goal

4) one is able to devote complete concentration to the task at hand.

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